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Front-end web development is everything involved in programming the use interface of a web application. Typically it refers to the Hypertext Markup Language(HTML), Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) and JavaScript portion of web site production as opposed to the database or server-side programming. It encompasses everthing from building a simple page of HTML text to creating complex, responsive HTML5 websites designed to be accessed via various diffrent browsers, devices and screen sizes.

FullStack Live Practical Book
Sr.No Practical Name Link
1 Create a Web page including HTML basic skeleton using Offline HTML Editor and Online Sandbox Enviroment Practical-1
2 Live your First Web-Page on Git-Hub. Practical-2
3 Create a web page showing a basic html structure using character Entities and span Tag. Practical-3
4 Create a website having list of all practical and their indivisual practical Page links. Practical-4
5 Create a Web-Page showing the use of Image-Map in the Web Application. Practical-5
6 Create following layout using CSS layout property. Practical-6
7 Create a Web Page Layout using div tags. Practical-7
8 Create a webpage having Fixed Navigation Bar and given content. Practical-8
9 Create a Responsive Web Layout with Responsive Navigation Bar. Practical-9
10 Create a Responsive Side-Bar Navigation Menu. Practical-10
11 Create a Table that represent Live Practical Book Records . Practical-11
12 Create a Custom Price Table Template. Practical-12
13 Create a Responsive Footer Template Practical-13
14 Create Login Form with different Templates. Practical-14
15 Create a Counter Page using JavaScript. Practical-15
16 Create a To-Do List using JavaScript. Practical-16
17 Create a Page with Live Clock with Dynamic Greeting Background and Data Stored in Browser Local Storage. Practical-17
18 Create an HTML Form and Validate it with Javascript (Client-side Programming Language) Practical-18
19 Create an HTML page with Multi-Step Form. Practical-19
20 Create a Responsive Layout using Bootstrap Grid System. Practical-20